The Community Council is a body consisting of local residents, who meet on a monthly basis to discuss and progress issues affecting the local community, and represent the views and concerns of the Balfron residents to Stirling Council and other relevant groups. You can find details of the members of the Balfron Community Council on the About Us page. The Community Council can be contacted via email at or by sending a message to the Balfron Community Council Facebook page.
Community Council Meetings
We meet every month (except January and July) and our next meeting is:
Community Council Meeting (February)Balfron High School |
Minutes of previous meetings >>
How to report an issue to Stirling Council
Follow this link to raise an issue or for access to their most popular online forms
Report an issue with a park. Use this online service by following this link to report about any problems you’ve spotted in a park or play area run by Stirling Council.
Planning and Road Maintenance
You can search recent planning applications relating to Balfron on the Stirling Council website here>>
The latest rural and urban Stirling Council roads maintenance plans are available here with associated map
Latest News
Christmas Lights Switch On
You are invited to celebrate the Christmas Lights being switched on in Balfron at the Tontine (across from the Co-op) on Sunday 1 December at 4pm. There will be Christmas songs followed by mince pies which are kindly donated by Balfron Coop.
Local Place Plan
The Community Council is working on a Local Place Plan for Balfron for the next 10 years, and is asking the community to contribute their thoughts and ideas. More >>
Celebrate Balfron on 6 October at Balfron High School
You are invited to an event on 6 October at Balfron High School from 11am-3pm where you can find out about the activities of local groups and organisations and also find out about creating a Local Place Plan for Balfron.
Seeking ideas for enhancements to the play provision
A replacement for the vandalised basket swing has been ordered by Stirling Council. Balfron Community Council has a small value fund available for enhancements to the play provision at the parks. Ideas we have heard are buying toys for the sandpit, signage for a nature trail and we are seeking your suggestions. You are welcome to suggest ideas both big and small in scale. Please send your suggestions to .
You can read about previous projects at Donaldson Park at
Call for new members to Balfron Community Council
Have you ideas to improve your community? We are looking for new members to join Balfron Community Council. We meet once per month and our next meeting is on 7 March. Drop a message to if you are interested or to find out more information.
UCI Cycling World Championships – July 2023 update
Events are taking place across Scotland from Fort William to Dumfries& Galloway. The road race for the Mens U23 group travels through Balfron on 12 August (at approx. 12-12:30pm) and the road race for Womens group travels through Balfron on 13 August (at approx. 12:30-1pm).
Information on the events
Information can be found at:
Balfron Active Places project – June 2023 update
We thank the community for their patience with the temporary disruption during the construction work of the Active Places project.
Phone box food exchange
Following its refurbishment, the phone box has been returned to Balfron and is in use. The formal opening of the refurbished phone box took place on 11 June 2022 as part of the Balfron Eco Festival. Please support the phone box as a food exchange and as a local cause in the Co-op Local Community Fund when you shop in the Balfron branch. More information on the phone box is available at the Balfron Phone Box page.
Space for Living – Balfron Active Places project
In 2014 Balfron Community Council began a series of community consultations on the most pressing issues facing the village now and in the future. In 2016 we produced a statistical report A Space for Living, which identified a range of problems relating to transport, access and amenities.
In 2020 work on the Clachan and Printers Row area of the village was completed. Unfortunately the planned works to Buchanan Street have been postponed until April 2023. More information is available at the Space for Living page.
Balfron Eco Festival
Balfron Eco Festival took place on 11 June at locations throughout the village, It had a range of activities and information suitable for all ages including interactive science exhibitions, plant swap and potting workshops, recycling advice, e-bikes demo and bike repair, farmers’ market and wildlife walks. Find more information at Balfron Eco Festival page or at Balfron Eco Festival Facebook page.
Community resilience
The Balfron resilience plan is ‘owned’ by the residents of Balfron and helps facilitate village wide communication of a major incident. The latest resilience plan for Balfron is available here >>. More information is available at Balfron Community Resilience page.
Donaldson Park
The final improvements to the wee playpark are now complete. In addition to the new play units, the new fencing is in place, a sand pit has been installed and all of the bark has been topped up. To celebrate, we left a range of toys in the sandpit for you and your children. More information is available at Donaldson Park Playground page.
Invasive plants along the River Endrick and its tributaries
The Loch Lomond Fisheries Trust continue to focus on removal of invasive plant (giant hogweed, Japanese knotweed, American skunk cabbage) and animal (American mink and signal crayfish) species. If you spot any of these invasive species or want to report any other incidents (e.g. pollution, riverbank damage) impacting the River Endrick and its tributaries please email them at